formal rule

美 [ˈfɔːrml ruːl]英 [ˈfɔːml ruːl]
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formal ruleformal rule
  1. Formal Rule Theory , Mental Model Theory and Probability Theory in Conditional Reference : A Comparative Study of the Three Theories


  2. Sovereign areas already hospitable to informal empire largely avoided formal rule during the shift to New Imperialism .


  3. That is the unity of the formal rule of law and the essential rule of law .


  4. The political system is a kind of formal rule by which the country or the unit or a person takes part in the political exercising .


  5. Note that a single atomic business rule may manifest as a number of formal rule statements , each with a different formal expression type .


  6. The application of three-dimensional constitution in jewellry design is discussed from formal rule of three-dimensional constitution , constitute element and constitute form .


  7. The results showed : ( 1 ) the solution of transitive reasoning with spatial and temporal contents supported the mental model theory , not the formal rule theory .


  8. On the categories of rule of law , it can be divided into two parts , the formal rule of law and the essential rule of law in relation to the value .


  9. On condition of value transformation from " formal Rule of Law " to " Substantive Rule of Law ", we should reconstitute the system of administrative detention in four elements .


  10. Influenced by Rechtssaat and Chinese traditional thoughts on legality , Chinese academic circle 's understanding to administration by law remains in the level of the formal rule of law .


  11. If political conditions in a particular overseas markets were stable enough , Britain could develop its economy through free trade alone without having to resort to formal rule or mercantilism .


  12. MP ~ therefor has one more formal rule than does MP . That is when A , B are well-formed formulas , then A B is also a well-formed formula .


  13. Through analyzing the formal rule of many decorative painting works and accumulated personal experiences of decorative painting creation , which concludes the principle of the formal rule and formal beauty in decorative painting .


  14. The principle of protection of reliability is positive meanings to protect reliability interests of private humans , to mould sincere and credit governments , to make a contribution to formal rule by law to substantial rule by law .


  15. The author will change the tradition method into researching the character of the business bribe and the measurement to prevent these crime so as to norm the socialism market economy order and make market competition corpus can operate according to the formal rule .


  16. The theory of rule by law in the West has experienced three stages , which are " rule by good law "," formal rule by law " and " substantive rule by law ", each of them having its own strengths and shortcomings .


  17. Leibniz invented binary system and assumed a " universal characteristic ", a symbol system that contained all the human thoughts ; the " mechanical reasoner " that he invented contains the ideas , namely reasoning is a deduction system based on formal rule .


  18. An administrator 's decision to issue a press release , hold a news conference , grant an interview , or " leak " a story to the press is usually made informally , yet these publicity-generating activities can be as potent as a formal rule or order .


  19. Application of Formal Aesthetics Rule of Picture Composition to Map Design


  20. The concept of work flow process component and the formal representation rule W-SC paradigm for work flow process component are proposed .


  21. Detail work on the knowledge layer is explored , which includes the definition of formal business rule , reference to resources in a rule , as well as the design and implementation of the rule system .


  22. I aim I aim to pass of traditional Chinese painting composition and modern constitute their quest , through the formal beauty rule the scalpel to analyze this form the analysis of the Chinese painting .


  23. Formal expression of rule is established based on symbolic logic firstly . The knowledge-based diagnosis method , relevant theorems and rule indexing approach adaptive for fast diagnosis and knowledge evolvement online are established .


  24. Then , this paper analysed how institution affects the development of corporate bonds based on the analytical frame of institution composing , which is " formal rules informal rule implementation mechanism " . It is the theory base of the whole study .


  25. Descriptions of granular pyramid , formal concepts and decision rule are also discussed to illustrate the usefulness of α _ - decision logic language .


  26. The relationship between the nation and the society is the first structure of the object of tax law , which satisfies the system of the formal type of the rule of law .


  27. Fifthly , it studies the relationship between the formal language state transition rule ( STR ) and the modeling tools colored Petri net ( CPN ), and the character of P invariant .


  28. The road of substantive research expands the vision of the scope of the study of legal thinking , narrows the gap between formal logic of the rule of law and justice , and reflects the research of legal thinking and method developing with the times .


  29. The basic logical law of the argumentation of thinking is the law of sufficient reason . The law of sufficient reason is the first basic law of the logical thinking , and it 's formal theorem is MP rule ( i.e.the rule of detachment ) .
